Biden Signs Law Officially Declaring Bald Eagle as National Bird of the U.S.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The bald eagle, long recognized as a symbol of the United States’ strength and resilience, has finally received formal recognition as the country’s national bird. On Tuesday, President Joe Biden signed a bill passed by Congress that officially designates the bald eagle as the nation’s avian emblem.

A Long Overdue Honor

Though the bald eagle has served as an iconic representation of America for over two centuries, appearing on the Great Seal of the United States since 1782, it had never been formally codified as the national bird. The Great Seal, featuring the eagle alongside an olive branch, arrows, and the motto “E Pluribus Unum,” has been used on official documents, military insignia, and U.S. currency.

Congress initially proclaimed the bald eagle as the national emblem in 1782, but its official status as the national bird had gone unaddressed—until now.

Symbol of American Identity

Known for its striking white head, yellow beak, and brown body, the bald eagle is native to North America and widely regarded as a symbol of freedom and power. Its image has graced countless symbols of American identity, from the presidential flag to military banners and coins.

The new law corrects this historical oversight, aligning official legislation with what has long been an assumed fact: the bald eagle is not just an emblem but the definitive bird of the United States.

A Symbol Recognized Worldwide

The bald eagle’s inclusion in the Great Seal and its widespread use across official insignia have made it synonymous with American values and ideals. From documents and monuments to currency, its presence underscores the enduring legacy of a nation founded on principles of strength, independence, and peace.

President Biden’s signing of this legislation ensures that the bald eagle’s symbolic importance is now cemented in law, reinforcing its iconic status for generations to come.

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